Organic Gardening

Organic Gardening

Organic gardening is the science of growing decorative plants, flowers, vegetables and fruit using the rules of organic agriculture. It is a method of rejuvenating the soil by proper rotation of crop, using pesticides that are not chemicals, and limiting the use of synthesised chemicals as pesticides, and growth regulators. Organic gardening is the process of cultivating without using chemicals to get immediate productivity. There are many ways to deal with the pests in an organic garden:

1. Conforming to an allowed degree of damage due to pests
2. Ensuring that there are predators that will consume the pests without harming the garden.
3. Encouraging micro organisms that will benefit the garden.
4. Selecting the right plant and choosing varieties that are resistant to diseases.
5. Growing plants that will hinder or distract the pests.
6. Saving the garden during the migration periods of pests by using row covers.
7. Rotating the crops to different locations annually to hinder the reproduction cycle of the pests.
8. Monitor and control the population of insects by using insect traps.

Some of the benefits that may be got by implementing the above are:

  1. Soil improvement and protection
  2. Good fertilization
  3. Pollination
  4. Conservation of water
  5. Season extension

Some of the techniques adopted in organic farming are:

  1. Aquaponics: the gardening of plants and aquatic animals in an environment that is constantly in recirculation.
  2. Companion Planting: the process of planting different crops close to each other so that they will be able to help one another in their growth.
  3. Intercropping: a method of cultivating two different crops in the same place at the same time.
  4. Multiple Cropping: is the process of growing two or more crops of the same season at the same time and is a form of polyculture.
  5. No Dig Gardening: is the method of growing the garden without digging the soil as doing so may decrease the life of the soil.
  6. Pollination Management: is a method to increase the pollination of a crop and improve the crop yield.


Building Indoor Nurseries from a Kit

So, you've determined to grow greenhouse plants indoors, but don't wish to experience all the bother of building your interior greenhouse from scratch. Don't fear. An immense assortment of inside greenhouse kits are obtainable from supermarkets, garden supply shops and on-line retailers.

Types of Indoor Nursery Kits

Interior greenhouse kits scope from a tiny herb garden that you can keep on your coffee table to a kit able to turn your basement's shelves into a conservatory. There is no standard list of sizing categories and terms like "portable nursery", "mini indoor greenhouse", "small-scale greenhouse" and "orchid greenhouse" can bear a diverseness of meanings depending on the druthers of the supplier. It is easiest to work out how much space you need and then try to find a kit to match it. Chances are, somebody will make one in precisely your size!

What's In The Package?

The actual contents of an inside nursery kit vary, but ordinarily they will include the following:

A base: this can scope from a flowerpot-type structure in the small-scale kits to a set of up to 4 shelves in the more voluminous ones.
Potting soil or peat: some kits, better-known as hydroponic kits, do without this and allow the nurseryman to raise plants in bases like coconut fiber, sand, crushed rock or a liquid nutritive solution instead.
A cover, ordinarily formed of the selfsame type of glazing stuff observed in spacious greenhouses.
Indoor Greenhouse Illuminating materials: given the absence of sunshine in a typical indoor nursery, specialised fluorescent lamps are necessitated to render the light and warmth that would normally be furnished by the sun.
Watering kit, ordinarily comprising of a spray mechanism, timekeeper and reservoir for water or nutritive solution.

Basements: They're Not Simply For Wastrel Children Any More

If you're feeling truly ambitious, you could switch a piece of your basement into an indoor glasshouse. Hydroponic kits work particularly good for this purpose, as they supply all the light, H2O and nourishment required to produce tropical and subtropical floras in what is in all probability the coldest, darkest place in your house. You can buy a cover for an existing shelving unit that will confine heat and moisture for your plants, or you can purchase the shelves as part of a kit, with the identical elements as in the kits named above. You will need to commit direct attention to the ventilation and air circulation in your basement to stop the increased humidness from decomposing your wooden beams and joints. Likewise, make a point to consult any family members who utilize the cellar, to make sure they don't object to it being turned into a hothouse!

Organic Vegetable Gardening Skips the Chemicals

Millions of people are turning away from vegetables grown with herbicides and pesticides, chemicals which can remain in the soil for years or even decades depending on how long they have been used. Organic vegetable gardening is the sustainable solution for todays food problems, and while it would be impossible to sustain the world's population on organic food (because of the extra work involved), there is absolutely no reason why you can't enjoy this healthy, delicious food yourself. It's the oldest form of farming, and you can draw from thousands of years of experience to grow some of the best tasting vegetables around at a fraction of the price of store-bought food.

Natural Pesticides and Herbicides

Organic vegetable gardening revolves around not using chemicals to improve the vitality of your plants. While most chemicals don't pose serious health risks to humans (at least over the short term as long term effects won't be fully understood for years), they do add pollution to the soil. Instead, organic vegetable gardening uses organisms instead of chemicals to get rid of the nasty critters which can ruin crops. Through bacteria and insects, you can clean your garden of any pests and improve the overall vitality of all of your crops, all without the use of harmful chemicals.

If you're looking to make the transition from chemical pesticides and herbicides, vegetable gardening information will give you the necessary tools for making your garden chemical-free. Move away from fertilizers, and start improving the nutrition of your soil naturally through compost. You can actually have healthier soil on the simple basis of not using chemicals, so there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't make the switch today. In fact, the only benefit of non-organic vegetable gardening is to be able to produce a much greater amount of food, necessary to keep the world from starving, and the only downside to organic vegetable gardening is that it generally takes more love and care.

Besides the health benefits, ask an average person the street if organic vegetable gardening produce tastes better than store-bought food, and provided they've tried out organic produce, their answer will be a resounding yes! Without the use of chemicals, organic foods taste better and fuller, and you can rest more easily at night knowing that you haven't consumed harmful chemicals. Growing your own produce can be a rewarding experience, as you have to cultivate your garden over a period of months. You won't be getting any instant gratification, and organic vegetable gardening has a lot of up-front labor involved, but it does become much easier after you plant the seeds. At harvest time, you'll be highly appreciative of your efforts with organic vegetable gardening.

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